Work / Case Teca
TECA Oy is one of Finland’s leading suppliers of industrial products, solutions, and services. The company’s strength lies in its wide and high-quality product range, as well as its comprehensive industry-specific solution concepts.
TECA has transformed its online store into a consultative solution-selling tool in collaboration with e21. What was once a product-focused service has evolved into a platform that showcases TECA’s expertise and consultative approach. The new site serves both contract customers and resellers, while the redesigned homepage is tailored to attract new clients and support sales. What was once perceived as a product catalog is now a modern solution sales channel.
Previously, the website mainly displayed products. Now, it provides solutions that address customer needs, highlighting the company's expertise and customer-centric approach, rather than simply listing products. Customer case studies are a valuable addition for visitors.
“The new online store and website now serve both new clients and contract customers better, while also supporting our key resellers,” says Marketing Manager Kirsi Sipilä. For Kirsi, it’s also important that the new platform looks great, with solid design and usability. She has been closely involved in designing the latest services
TECA and e21 have enjoyed a long and successful partnership, during which e21 has developed a wide range of services for TECA, proving its ability to implement business-driven system changes.
“What has been particularly fruitful is that we have succeeded in collaboration, especially when TECA’s business focus has shifted, allowing us to build service packages that fit the evolving needs” emphasizes Sales Director Mikko Särkikangas from e21.
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About us
Helvatin hyvin toimii! Tätä on nautinto naputella. Eilen illalla puoli yhteentoista asti ja täällä toimistolla edelleen homma jatkuu.Ei saisi kehittään näin koukuttavia työkaluja.
Asiakkaalle tarjotut palvelut omasta tuotekannasta hintoineen, tilaushistoriasta ja tallennetuista ostoskoreista on nopeuttanut asiointia kanssamme ja samalla asiakaspalvelun puhelinjonot ovat lyhentyneet.
Suurin hyöty yhteistyöstä e21:n kanssa on ollut asiakaspalvelun tason paraneminen.
Tämä sivusto on optimoitu uusimmille selaimille ja puhelimille. Emme voi taata, että kaikki ominaisuudet toimivat vanhemmilla selaimilla ja puhelimilla.