Work / Case TVV

TVV innovates with digital, customer-focused inventory management

Turun Vapaavarasto (TVV) offers safe and efficient storage services for both export and import companies. In practice, TVV takes products into temporary storage and delivers them forward according to the customers' wishes. The services range from field storage of machinery and industrial materials to warm storage for more delicate items. The company has grown significantly and also invests heavily in digitalization.

Objective: Improving Service and Enhancing Efficiency

TVV is known for offering easy and straightforward storage services. To further enhance the ease of services, they wanted to streamline the process of customer arrival notifications and pick-up orders. The starting point for the digitalization of operations was to simplify and reduce the amount of work required from customers while simultaneously improving the efficiency of the company’s own staff by automating routine tasks related to inventory management.

Our common goal was to implement a customer-centric ordering and pick-up service for clients. Customer focus in this project was represented by designing with the customer’s operations in mind, aiming to eliminate unnecessary or labor-intensive tasks.

Challenges and Successes in the Implementation

The project also involved the provider of the ERP system, so especially in the early stages, defining a common language, common goals, and responsibilities required time and getting to know each other. On the other hand, we were able to act as bridge-builders in forming cooperation and successfully built a functional partnership between the different parties.
One indicator of success is that the service is widely used. From experience, we know that adopting a new service must bring clear benefits to the end user. 

Read the article on TVV’s digitalization:
Agility in Storage through Digitalization (2021)



  • Customer arrival notifications and pick-up orders are stored directly in the ERP system, eliminating the need for manual work.
  • The number of errors decreased due to automatic data recording.
  • Customers no longer need to be bothered with unnecessary questions and calls.
  • TVV can handle product storage and further deliveries based on up-to-date and reliable information.

For TVV’s Customers

  • Placing orders is quick because the service always has standardized questions.
  • The service recognizes if the order relates to a previous one (e.g., the same items), so the ordering process does not start from scratch every time.
  • Customers can check at any time how much and what kind of products they have in storage.
  • The service also shows historical data on shipped and delivered items, including related notes and remarks.
  • When placing an order, factors such as customs requirements related to the goods are taken into account.

"We set out to implement a customer-centric solution that improves the efficiency of both the customer’s and our own operations. We succeeded! This is evidenced by the continuously increasing usage of the service and the elimination of unnecessary manual work."
- Stefan Lindström, CEO, Turun Vapaavarasto

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