Work / Case Informa
Informa Oy is a full-service provider specializing in product and packaging labeling and data collection. They offer labeling systems, materials, software, and expert services, along with maintenance. Their in-house label printing service, combined with extensive industry expertise, makes them a reliable partner for comprehensive labeling solutions.
Informa sought to simplify purchasing for its diverse customer base, particularly small and medium-sized businesses, while improving sales team efficiency. With many long-term clients placing repeat orders, routine tasks consumed significant time. The project aimed to automate these processes, allowing customers to easily track equipment status and place orders, freeing up time for the sales team to focus on more value-added activities and growing the maintenance service.
Informa shifted its business to a service-oriented approach, focusing on customer needs rather than just selling products. By implementing an ERP-integrated platform, customers can easily manage orders, track equipment, and schedule maintenance, streamlining repeat purchases.
The service automates routine orders and provides real-time insights into equipment status, allowing customers to pre-emptively order maintenance. This solution not only improves customer convenience but also enhances Informa’s ability to plan maintenance efficiently, ensuring better service delivery and boosting customer retention.
The online service implemented for Informa provides significant benefits to the customer while also streamlining the company’s own operations. Customers can now easily get an overall view of the status of their equipment, software, and materials, and place the necessary orders at any time. For Informa, the benefits are seen in the increased efficiency of the sales team’s time management and the growth of the maintenance business, as customer awareness improves and the ordering process becomes easier.
Ideas for further development of the service include implementing various automated alerts for customers, for example, when maintenance is needed or when materials are running low.
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Asiakkaidemme mielestä tilausten teko on nyt nopeaa ja tehokasta kun järjestelmä täyttää tehdyt tilaukset älykkäästi ja heillä on käytössä kattavat tilaushistoriatiedot ja ajantasalla oleva varastotilanne.
Uusi huoltopalvelu on vähentänyt aiemman järjestelmän edellyttämän pääkäyttäjän kriittistä roolia. Nyt koko huoltoprosessissa hyödynnettävä tieto on pilvessä, jolloin tieto ei ole enää yhden henkilön takana. Koska uuden palvelun myötä kellosepät täyttävät itse huoltotiedot verkkoon, ei aiempi pääkäyttäjä ole enää vastuussa huoltoon liittyvien tietojen selvittämisestä.
Tämä sivusto on optimoitu uusimmille selaimille ja puhelimille. Emme voi taata, että kaikki ominaisuudet toimivat vanhemmilla selaimilla ja puhelimilla.